Franchise D&I Solutions, LLC is uniquely suited to help organizations develop strategies that will prepare them to better anticipate and address diversity, equity, and inclusion organizational issues. Franchise D&I Solutions, LLC is a necessary resource support system for organizations and diversity professionals that understand the important correlation between diversity, equity, inclusion, and success!
We provide clients with diversity and inclusion strategies to advance their organizational missions and goals.
We achieve our mission with:
Customer Service & Satisfaction
Passion & Commitment to Excellence
Every Franchise D&I Solutions client establishes and supports diversity, equity, and inclusion leadership, and develops diversity infrastructure so that diversity, equity, and inclusion become core values of their organization and gives a competitive advantage.
Steve Francis
President &
Lead Strategist
'For DEI, it's true that What gets measured, gets done. More importantly, what gets FUNDED gets measured, and then what gets measured gets done' - Steve Francis
'Culture eats strategy for lunch. But modeling inclusive behavior reshapes culture. So your strategy must be to model inclusive behavior on a daily basis' - Steve Francis
Steve Francis has over 30 years of experience as a public and private-sector lawyer and diversity professional. Francis has served as Chief Diversity Officer of the 14th largest city in the United States. Francis also served as diversity leader for a Fortune 500 company, also heading up the company's government relations, community relations, media relations, communications, and philanthropy.
Francis is the Founder and a former President and Board Member of Central Ohio Diversity Consortium, diversity, and inclusion best practices clearinghouse for public, private, governmental, nonprofit, and academic institutions throughout Central Ohio.
Notable Awards:
Dublin City Schools 'Hall of Fame' for Outstanding Service in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion for the District - 2021
Champions of Diversity 'Diversity Pioneer Award' - 2018
Columbus Business First Diversity 'Lifetime Achievement Award' - 2017
Champions of Diversity 'Diversity Development Award' - 2017
GCCHH 'Diversity Ambassador Award' - 2015